Health, Safety & Environment Division

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    Posted 21-07-2024 22:26

    This is a reminder that the  HSE Division will be holding its AGM and 2023 Award Presentation this week  - 25th July, 2024 at 7.00 P.M. p.m. (AEST) via Teams. (See the bottom of this message for links)

    Dear HSE members and affiliates,

    In the last couple of years, the Health Safety and Environment of the RACI has become very active across Australia. At the most recent 2022 RACI congress in Brisbane, our Division hosted a very successful two symposium (including a special panel discussion session on National Facilities for Chemistry) followed by a number of successful training webinars focused at introducing and developing competency in the area of chemical management and health and safety.

    We realise we need more help from our community so that the HSE Division can be more supportive of our members.  The HSE Division Committee has a number of members, but we are looking to refresh and renew.

    The  HSE Division is currently looking for people interested in the following roles: Chair, Chair Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary (This may be a shared role into Secretary and Minute Secretary). 

    The HSE Division Committee members will share workload and work in a collegiate way to promote Health Safety and Environmental initiatives across Australia.

    Please nominate yourself for any of these roles and let us to know which role(s) you prefer. One term is for two years. Nominations can be sent directly to by providing name, affiliation, and preferred role(s). If you have any  questions and would like more information about the Division please do not hesitate to email


    Lisa Stevens - Acting Secretary  - HSE Division

    on behalf of 

    Dr Brian Krieger  - Chair -  HSE Division 

    Microsoft Teams meeting
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    Lisa Stevens
    Principal OHS Consultant
    Lisa J Stevens And Associates


    Posted 24-07-2024 08:50

    Hello HSE Division Members,

    With the AGM  and Award Presentation scheduled for tomorrow night, we still have not received any nominations for either the Chair of the Division or the Secretary.  Unfortunately, due to the Committee's Terms of Reference, both positions are required to step down from those roles.  

    So it is not too late to nominate  or alternatively, there will be an opportunity to put your hand up tomorrow night. (Please note that the incoming people will get a handover and mentoring support to assist them in their new roles.) 

    In regard of the Chair Elect position, we have two nominees: 

    Dr Carol Tardos  and Mr Xin Li 

    So we will be having a ballot on the night. 

    Over the next 12 months the Division has a number of events planned, and we have already started planning for the National Congress 2024, so we are currently looking for people to guide us for the next couple of years. 

    If you are interested, please feel free to contact the Division via our email address Alternatively, there will be opportunity to ask questions at tomorrow nights meeting. 



    Acting Chair  - HSE Division

    Lisa Stevens
    Principal OHS Consultant
    Lisa J Stevens And Associates