Join the Australian quantum community, researchers and industry peers to solve nationally significant challenges using quantum technology!
Apply for round one of the Australian Government’s $36 million Critical Technologies Challenge Program for a chance to receive up to $5.5 million over two funding stages to test and develop quantum solutions to innovation-based challenges:
· Challenge 1: Optimise the performance, sustainability, and security of energy networks.
· Challenge 2: Improve medical imaging and medical sensors to support diagnosis, treatment of disease and monitoring activities inside the human body.
· Challenge 3: Enhance communication with autonomous systems in varying environments.
· Challenge 4: Optimise and reduce the impact of resource exploration, extraction, and mineral processing.
Applicants must form consortia to apply. Consortia must have at least one Australian industry-based partner and one Australian research organisation. International partners can also join consortia but cannot be the lead applicant.
In an environment where access to private capital for early-stage quantum projects can be difficult, the Critical Technologies Challenge Program will support successful applicants to progress projects from concepts to working prototypes.
Reach out to colleagues, peers, clients and partners to start brainstorming ideas. Use the CTCP Contacts Directory to increase your reach when searching for potential consortia partners at
You can check out the full application guidelines and more information at
Posted on behalf of the Quantum Branch, Department of Industry, Science and Resources.