Analytical & Environmental

The Division is committed to advancing the field of analytical and environmental chemistry through the support of our members by building and maintaining relationships among analytical and environmental chemists, arranging regular meetings and conferences, and promoting the teaching of analytical and environmental at high schools and tertiary institutions.

Regular Events

R&D Topics is a postgraduate conference focusing on research in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry:

  • We invite Honours, MSc, PhD and young scientists from industry/ government (up to 4 years post BSc or equivalent) to submit abstracts for oral presentations and/ or poster presentations.
  • We also invite post doctoral fellows (up to 3 years post PhD) to submit abstract for poster presentations

Divisional Committee

Chair A/Prof James Chapman
Secretary Dr Mark Hackett
Treasurer Dr Dario Arrua

Analytical & Environmental Division Awards

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Become Involved

If you would like more information on our Analytical & Environmental Division, or how to become involved, please contact us below.

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